January 2, 2009


Two letters: E and H. So simple on the surface, but, indeed, so intricate. To Canadians, the use of the term "eh?" is without equal in the language. We may attempt to introduce synonyms, but really, it takes essays to give this term its due.

This may shed some light. It is a table demonstrating 10 uses or meanings of the word eh, with examples, to help non-Canadians understand the complexity of this venerated word.



1. Statement of opinion

Nice day, eh?

2. Statements of fact

It goes over here, eh?

3. Commands

Open the window, eh?

Think about it, eh?

4. Exclamations

What a game, eh?

5. Questions

What are they trying to do, eh?

6. To mean ‘pardon’

Eh? What did you say?

7. In fixed expressions

Thanks, eh?

I know, eh?

8. Insults

You’re a real snob, eh?

9. Accusations

You took the last piece, eh?

10. Telling a story [the narrative eh]

This guy is up on the 27th floor, eh? then he gets out on the ledge, eh . . .

EH is Canadian, EH?: usage, functions and the identity crisis of EH. by Kailin Wright

With respect, I would like to add an 11th meaning. "Eh" all by itself can also be used in a declarative statement and expresses disbelief, as in "That's stupid, eh?" or "You're joking, eh?"

So, the label "eh?" can have a number of implications. I must confess that, in the context of this blog, most times the latter meaning is what I intend. However, I might not, eh?

Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama

1) Stop killing people. The United States is too fond of killing people in order to achieve its objectives. You call it war, but today's wars are not about professional soldiers fighting and killing each other. May I wish you a Happy New Year and a great Presidency.Yours Sincerely,(Former Prime Minister of Malaysia

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Wal-Mart's Great Fight North

"et in recent years, when Canadian labor has tried to take on famously anti-union U.S.-based multinationals like Wal-Mart [2] and McDonald's, the unions have nearly always lost in the end. Why is that?"

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